Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Volleyball Tournament - Women Only (playing that is)

It was the morning of March 26. We woke up with great expectations! In the afternoon we were going to have a volleyball tournament with 4 teams of women from Jhon Hocking. Following the tournament, we wanted to show a film and give out the prizes for the tournament. We were hopeful for good had been raining all week! So when we got up, the weather didn't look was raining! However, the tournament wasn't starting until 2:30, so time was on our side...and Jesus too! We went to lunch and by 1:30 we were ready to leave with all the stuff for the tournament. Our friend and one of our disciplees, Luz, was going to help by letting us use the area in front of her house for the court. Usually, this area is used by the neighborhood to play volleyball each afternoon around 5:00. You see, Jhon Hocking is a volleyball community, on this street (29 de Enero), there are usually three courts of volleyball each afternoon, and on the street that crosses it (Lima), two or three games as well. On other side streets, you can find many games of volley too, so it wasn't hard to get four teams together...many asked why only four teams. We had decided to have a double elimination tournament so that each team would have more time to play, so we had wanted to be done by 6:00 so we could start the movie at 6:30. There was lots of fun that day, lots of contacts made, and we had lots turn out just to watch. And, the God of the universe made perfect weather. The sun came out around 2:00, and at the right moments, a cloud would pass over to give some relief. All but two of the player turned out to get their prizes at the film (we had prizes for all the players), so now we have lots of new contacts to visit. We plan to have a soccer tournament for men in the coming months, but we need more help with that because we don't play soccer. Gracias a Dios (Thanks to God) for all His grace and help when we need it.